Run hard, Play hard, Love Hard

Run Hard, Play Hard, Love Hard

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The new adventures of the home office.

So, I am a week into my new job. Working from home, where I refuse to work in the dark basement (so my "office" is on the kitchen table, and sometimes the living room coffee table and .... well you get the picture. Thankfully, I have a wireless ALL-IN-ONE printer. So no matter where I am in the house, the documents print in the basement dark corner whole guestroom. :)

But today, I received my new file cabinet. And has most things goes these days... this is where I found myself at the start of a 2 to 3 hour project...
 Yes, this is PAGE #1.... do you see where I am going here? I had officially found the first thing (and hopefully last or close too) that I don't like about my job. Following the NASA based instructions for a 3 drawer short file cabinet. Seriously, who comes up with this stuff!? Because my guess is that they need a good "clean out". Just saying.

So after getting everything laid out in neat, organized piles around my living room (yes, a little OCD with organization) I had the urge to ride off into the sunset. Maybe on this,
...........if Littleman would loan it to mommy.
Alas, I stuck to it, and after a many "mommy, if my monster trucks" And "mom, whats for dinners"... etc. i completed the task.

Littleman was so happy for mommy!

So, I stuck with and I conquered. 
Next, only time will tell.

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