So, it has been a full 2 weeks now that I have been a stay-at-home-working-mom. I have learned a few fun facts about being at home.
#1- Much work CAN get done with the tv on. ( I have found that absolute silence--mainly at nap time-- is a "no-go" for me.)
#2- It is about multitasking, THANK THE GOOD LORD that I am a master at this. (ex. Mommy, can you help me set up this train track?, Mommy, can I have some juice?, Mommy, I need to go potty. )
#3- I have found many tasks that have been awaiting completion or even starting.
Not-so-fun facts
#1- It can get a little lonely, even with a 3 year old at home.
#2- Laundry and cleaning house are always there to do.
#3- Again, I have found many tasks that need done.
All in all though, I have found great things with being home with my littleman. He has already had a huge breakthrough in toilet training. We aren't seeing the finish line just yet, but we are closer. He loves his new part time preschool and he is a big mommy cuddle-monster now too. Work is no longer a "stress" for me. But that does not mean that I don't have stress. Seriously, is anyone NOT stressed about at least something these days?
We finally purchased littleman a big bed. We found it at a friends benefit auction and I will be working on that the next months to get it ready. Stripping the stain, removing a few embellishments and re-staining. Work, but worth it in the end. I goal is to have it done in 5 months, when littleman turns 4 years. (and I turn 30...)
So, what advise do you at-home-working-moms or just at-home-moms have for me??????????