Run hard, Play hard, Love Hard

Run Hard, Play Hard, Love Hard

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Motherhood of the Traveling Book!!

For my 28th birthday, my sis in law (you can meet her here) gave me the book "Run Like a Mother" I have recently completed it and was SO entirely FULFILLED by it that I wanted to share it with my friends, and their friends and so on!!

SO- here is what is happening with my precious book. ~sis, i love you for gifting me this wonderful book, I am temporarily sharing the love and will hope to see it back in my arms in the future.~

I will be sending it off to a Mother Runner Friend in Lawrence Kansas tomorrow. Inside the cover, I will include the readers directions of usage.
#1: My name, address, and email.
#2: They are to read it the book (timely) enjoy it, breath it in, take a picture of it with them, the kids, their running shoes, whatever!! THEN email me their thoughts, best parts, the picture, etc AND to whom the book is headed and where. (needs to be a running mommy to really get the entire book btw)
#3: Each participant will do the same. And someday, the book will HOPEFULLY find its way back to me.

During this process- every time I get an email, I will blog it and MAYBE even have a giveaway or 2 (or more) corresponding to its travels.

Fingers crossed this all goes well and that my BBF (Bestie Book Forever) has a traveling good time!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fun idea! I have two more here at home I am going to giveaway... eventually.