Ok, let us start this blog off with a run down (haha run...sigh) of my weekend.
Curtain Call!!
Pull back curtain.
Scene: Friday 1130am
I get a call from LittleMan's daycare, he BEGGED to come inside from playtime. (Crap- I would too if I was being forced to play in the 90+ degree temps!) He then laid right down. Not long after that, he vomitted. G.R.E.A.T (hello, the Frosted Flakes Tiger is back!)
So, hubby is in the middle of major machinery issue with grandfather and his mom. (oh yeah, when he isn't a student, he works at BOTH of these family farms.) This leaves me, mommy, to leave work, where we have a "fill in" boss to tend to LittleMan.
Exit Scene.
New Scene-
Need to get back to work, hubby still not home to "switch me". My mom is available. Only 1 hr 20 mins left of work. Ugh.
Exit Scene.
New Scene-
It just happens to be BFF sleepover for BigGirl at OUR house. My hubby doesnt want to disappoint, so we have her over. (Keep in mind, we have sick LittleMan too) In walks BFF and LittleMan vomits right behind her on my carpet. G.R.E.A.T
Exit Scene.
Evening went alright. LittleMan went to bed on schedule, thanks to dramamine and ibuprofen. Girls had dinner, played inside and out, had our little campfire in the back porch and made smores. Showers, nails painted, braided hair, bed (after many laughing-talking-getting up, etc).
Next morning, girls got up, I made breakfast, they played, LittleMan up, fever back, sinuses have joined us now, eyes matted with goop bad. G.R.E.A.T
I miss my morning workout at the gym.
I get everyone settled in time for my 9am Run Group. I go, talk to mom on the way and decide LittleMan may have pneumonia!! *Reminder- leaving for 4 days in Chicago on Thursday morning (9:05- no one there for run group) decide to go back home get LittleMan and take to ER.
Good news, just a sinus infection. A antibiotic filled (took the FREAKIN' ever at Pharmacy), decongestant purchased and headed home.
It is now 11am.
I have a haircut at 1pm 20 minutes away in Wichita. Mom is going to pick me up, I will have maybe a good 45 minutes to work out if I go NOW. I pull out of driveway, phone beats, mom will be at my house at noon to pick me up. G.R.E.A.T
Drive downtown to check for cheap Railer Gear (my high schools stuff that I coach softball for). None.
I drive home, 11:30am. Send hubby to take BFF home with BigGirl. LittleMan hangs with me while I shower and get ready to leave.
12:05- no mom, no hubby and BigGirl back. (bff lives 3 minutes away.)
Call hubby- almost home.
Hubby pulls in driveway- Mom right behind me.
I leave to haircut and spend all afternoon running around wichita picking up last minute trip items.
Jump to now, BigGirl spent all day and night at BFF's. (double spendover weekend before school i guess)
LIttleman is eating again! Yeah!!
I have done and putaway 5 loads of laundry (mostly Littlemans sick towels-yum) I load left.
I have packed the kids bag.
I have packed MY side of our bag (including my running gear bag for Chicago Rock N Roll!!!)
I have borrowed mom's huge Coach Handbag for my purse/goody bag for train. (thnks mom!!!!!)
I have made out the lists for all bags and gotten some ribbon for mark everything we will be carrying with us. So we make sure we have OUR stuff off the Train. (I know, I am so smart right!!)
well, time for dinner, and TRYING to relax.
PLANNING For a hard workout at the gym monday, tuesday and wednesday morning.
Run hard, Play hard, Love Hard
Run Hard, Play Hard, Love Hard
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Fun stuff
Hello all! This has been a fun last weekend!
My hubby and I celebrated our 7th Anniversary yesterday, and since it was on a Monday, we decided to go out on Friday night. I took him to HuHot Grill. He had never been and LOVED IT.
**HuHot Grill- Mongolian style: Grab a bowl like in a buffet- add your meat choice, your noodle choice, your veggies, and your sauces. Hand the bowl to the Grill Guys and they cook you food while you wait a few minutes in line. They hand it back to ya and off you good. You can go back as much as you want too!
We then decided to "window shop" to walk off the calories we just enjoyed. Well, Dicks Sporting goods is a couple stores down. So we walked over there. To our great surprise, it was SIDEWALK SALES!! 50% already marked down clearance!!! YEPPIE!! I purchased Cody a purple golf shirt for $8
(Happy Anniversary babe!) And he purchased a Neon Yellow DriFit running shirt for me for $20. (Happy Anniversary to me-- mine wasnt a clearance item obviously)
We finished the night with a couple friends and a couple drinks ;o) and then headed home at 1230ish. We were home and asleep by 2am.
*Kids were at the folks for the night, yeppie!*
I was to get up to meet Running Group at 9am, needless to say- hubby spent 10 minutes trying to awaken me fully at 10am to go get kids. He was awakened by the folks calling us to see if we were ok. Since the hubby was to get the kids at 9am while I was running with the girlies. (whoops!)
So we got around (20mins to get out the door) and got to the folks. We found out when we got there that the kiddos decided to get up at 530am for the morning.
*They are usually 7am risers OR LATER-- sorry grandma and popa :o( Needless to say, gma had to awaken the youthfulness within her that morning.
We decided after we left the folks, that LittleMan was going to HAVE to get a haircut. So, we headed to Wichita for his 1st HAIRCUT!!
Let me remind you of the "before"- this picture is actually that morning at gma's bathroom...
see those long loose curls....
This is LittleMan at the BEST kids haircut place ever!! Instead of a chair, it is a carousel animal
(aka "you have to hold on to not fall off and that means your hands are not getting the the way of the haircutter-- greatest idea ever #1)
Instead of a mirror, there are flat screen TV's playing Disney Movies (Greatest Idea EVER #2)
I had to actually put the camera in front of the movie to get this shot! LOL!!
LittleMan after the got his first haircut!! The Loose curls are gone-- HOWEVER he still has them naturally!!! A little persperation or water and they spring right back up!! WOHOO!!
In keeping with the BIGBOY theory for LittleMan that day, hubby and I decided (after LittleMan got his leg stuck in the rails) that it was time for the Toddler Bed.
Test #1-- (night time) OUT COLD!! NEVER GOT UP until morning, where he then could not open the door to his room, so continued to knock on the door and say "Mom, where are you?!" and "Daddy, were are you?!" TOO FRECKIN' HILARIOUS!!
**Note-- he has taken daytime naps and more nighttime, and he stills STAYS PUT!!
I went out to running group last week and my FAV carrybag had a "chewed" thru handle on one side. I tried to "rig" it, but alas- no good. So I started to get angry with my mom- in -laws dog who was the only thing under one bed for weeks. So, I tell my hubby about it that evening, he then confesses that it was him and the Vaccum that killed my FAV bag!!
Ok, now, feel bad for having bad thoughts about dog.
Feel pissed that hubby didn't tell me RIGHT AWAY.
Then, feel bad for getting angry because it is "just a bag, it can be replaced"
SO- I replaced it that next saturday! This bag is even better in its own way, it is a bright color that will be visible on bike rides, and it has a 2nd pocket! BONUS!!And I even got myself a new window sticker for my Tahoe!! You have to LOVE stopping at your Fav Running store, mine is "First Gear" in Wichita. And when I walked in that morning, it was PACKED with people.... it was Asics Shoe Sale Day.
Talking about gear, makes me think about my sad running buddy.... my hat. My hat has been through a lot of sweat and grind. HOWEVER, this past summer it was gained a new side.... the dyed hair sweat. The Pink dye that my softball girls put in has been lowly coming out when I sweat... And my hat has decided to love it up. Thanks good buddy!
One last FAV to brag on....
...INJINJI MICRO TOE SOCKS!! These babies are GREAT!! They are to help prevent blisters around the toes. (which I ALWAYS get on long runs- I even get caluses and they still get blisters UNDER them-SERIOUSLY!) So, these great socks have been my savor, however the real test will be in the Chicago Rock N Roll half a week from Sunday! If they pass that, then I am buying myself 50 pairs!!! Ok, maybe not 50, since they are $12 a pair and I am currently still the only income in our house for the next year. But I WILL get more INJINJI!!!
alright- that is all for me- keep on keeping on!!!
first gear,
Friday, July 16, 2010
Not dead.................yet
Ok, I know, it has been like 9 days since last post. But I have been a BUSY BUSY BEE.
Alright, seriously, I have been really utilizing my Bday gift from the parents. (If you all recall the 1 year membership to ANYTIME Fitness) I have been busting my ass big time!! However, I got a little pissed, to say the least after 2 weeks of this place.
I go in for 1 hour. (otherwise rising BEFORE the Butt Crack of dawn, drive my 10 minutes to AF and work out for EXACTLY 1 hour. (this is my MUST DO- makes me keep moving regardless- 60 mins no less)
I spend HALF my time (30 mins) doing cardio- bike, treadmill, elliptical. And then 30-40 minutes doing CARDIO weight lifting. *Less weight then I could MaxOut on put that I can move swiftly to cut more fat while still rebuilding muscle.*
So, 2 maybe 3 weeks, trying not to really think about it in time. But I have been weighting myself daily (i know- big NO NO) and I freckin' GAINED 2 lbs two days ago. (however I noticed it was gone this morning)
OTHERWISE-- NO WEIGHT LOSE YET. Still need to drop 50 lbs. **And I have been eating good, no junk, no sugar loads, no caffeine (cut that over a year ago), good portions, small dinners, fiber heathly breakfast and snacks.
SO, here is my problem.................WHAT THE HELL!???!!!
Suggestions anyone????
Alright, seriously, I have been really utilizing my Bday gift from the parents. (If you all recall the 1 year membership to ANYTIME Fitness) I have been busting my ass big time!! However, I got a little pissed, to say the least after 2 weeks of this place.
I go in for 1 hour. (otherwise rising BEFORE the Butt Crack of dawn, drive my 10 minutes to AF and work out for EXACTLY 1 hour. (this is my MUST DO- makes me keep moving regardless- 60 mins no less)
I spend HALF my time (30 mins) doing cardio- bike, treadmill, elliptical. And then 30-40 minutes doing CARDIO weight lifting. *Less weight then I could MaxOut on put that I can move swiftly to cut more fat while still rebuilding muscle.*
So, 2 maybe 3 weeks, trying not to really think about it in time. But I have been weighting myself daily (i know- big NO NO) and I freckin' GAINED 2 lbs two days ago. (however I noticed it was gone this morning)
OTHERWISE-- NO WEIGHT LOSE YET. Still need to drop 50 lbs. **And I have been eating good, no junk, no sugar loads, no caffeine (cut that over a year ago), good portions, small dinners, fiber heathly breakfast and snacks.
SO, here is my problem.................WHAT THE HELL!???!!!
Suggestions anyone????
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Ok, so the Athletic Training skills seem to NOT apply to ones-self
**These are not mine, just wanted to set the mood :o)**
So, I went to College, initally for Athletic Training, do to things unforseen (cough...dickhead...cough... jerk...cough... of a head trainer) I did not complete my college career that way. Sadly, I was the TOP of my class, broke the school record for time/perfection on ankle tape jobs (I still hold this record as far as I know, since I totally will not be calling that *cough...ass wipe* man anytime soon.) and I TOTALLY MISS IT.
**On a funny side note, I have a cousin that DID complete his A.T. career and is working now as a Trainer. We often send eachother pics of
So following my cousins lead, I went out a couple/few weeks ago and played Slow Pitch Softball on my hubbys team. Well, I hurt my Left Quad while TOTALLY ROCKIN' that night!! (Just ask my hubby, I kicked some major GIRL POWER ASS!!)
Anyway, I took some Ibuprofen for a few days. It still hurt. Minor odd leg movements made my eyes tear and my gut churn. (We are talking foot on the couch and it slightly rotates out *envision movement toward indian style sitting* and it shoots PAIN across (inside to outside and then slightly up) the Quad!!!
My response: "HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!" (sorry, but that was BAD!!)
After that, the rest of my day was horrid! I couldn't move any which way. So I heat it up, since it is not swollen. A couple 20 mins heating sessions and Ibuprofen later... more comfortable. Still have to be careful while sleeping though.
A few more days pass... a lot more... we are good.
I go though my weights LEG heavy days. Still good. I am thanking the heavens that it must have just been a strain.... but I am still thinking that it was an awful pain that was hitting one specific area/way. Otherwise, not consistant for a strain. BUT HEY! I am better right?
WRONG! I head out for the July 4th 5K. I am doing alright, not my best time, but fine. When 2 girls try to pass me SPRINTING! I am not good for this, so I sprint right back!
3 strides later- Quad is PISSED OFF! I slow it down.
So, today I did my A.T. studies and find that, YES, I did tear my Quad.
Only cure, R.I.C.E for 2-3 weeks. Well, I am a few weeks out, but pretty much starting from scratch.
Chicago Rock n Roll half is 3 & 1/2 weeks away..... sigh.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Happy 4th of July (a few days late)
If you can't beat the rain, then join it!!
Yes, It rained ALL WEEKEND! On the 4th, it rained from sun up to around 8pm. Then it continued AFTER fireworks.
So after Nap time, (well LittleMans- BigSissy was still out cold) we played in the rain.
*in this pic, LittleMan was DEMANDING that daddy go back to the porch. LOL!
They watched Cars drive though the "street pond" for awhile.
Then turned to "cheese" to mommys camera!
And once we were all dry and back inside, LittleMan got silly! (BigSissy's glasses- she is still sleeping...)
I got up and did the Chisholm Trail 5K that morning, it was only a medium drizzle rain at that time. And the temp was good, quite humid but good. I didn't do that greatest... 34min 45sec. But I did it none the less. However some girls decided that they were going to sprint past ME at the end. So, that is SOOOO not ok, I kicked up the speed and about 3 strides in, my still healing Left Quad said "Back the f#*k off woman!" So, I listened- pouted a bit- and slowly crossed the line.
But hey, I finished without ripping my leg off! LOL!!
How was your 4th?
PS: we got 4 inches of rain in 36 hours!!!!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Look Who's 2!
As you may have recalled reading already... LittleMan turned 2 years old last week!! Where did the time go? We are potty training!!! (horray- diapers are finally going ot leave my house..... ok, a few tears with that too..... no more babies in my house)
We are talking back (times out are stacking up on our house)
We are EVERYWHERE! WANTING EVERYTHING! LOVING SISSY (I must have been pleased with magically kids- or that fact that they are 3 years almost 4 years apart is GREAT!)
Ok-- on to the party....
We had our "cake lady" (if you are local and don't know Brenda, shot me a line-she should be on your speed dial) what a MosterTruck Cake. It wasn't just AWESOME & HUGE, it was YUMMY!!!! (I know MotherRunner- you are SO JEALOUS that you missed out on this one!)
He was spoiled ofcourse, not only did he get his own cowboy boots, but they came with Wranglers and a hat too! (we have to dress him up for pic of that all soon)
We are talking back (times out are stacking up on our house)
We are EVERYWHERE! WANTING EVERYTHING! LOVING SISSY (I must have been pleased with magically kids- or that fact that they are 3 years almost 4 years apart is GREAT!)
Ok-- on to the party....
We had our "cake lady" (if you are local and don't know Brenda, shot me a line-she should be on your speed dial) what a MosterTruck Cake. It wasn't just AWESOME & HUGE, it was YUMMY!!!! (I know MotherRunner- you are SO JEALOUS that you missed out on this one!)
He was spoiled ofcourse, not only did he get his own cowboy boots, but they came with Wranglers and a hat too! (we have to dress him up for pic of that all soon)
He got Woody, Buzz Lightyear and Sissy got Jessie. So we are all playing with those. And to haul them around.... we got him a JINORMUS ( a little Elf movie line) Dumptruck. This sucker is massive and it is GAURNTEED FOR LIFE! Even better!!
I did want to mention one thing here.... LittleMan is great "rip" into gifts kid, but he is also very good at "deligating" the opening and getting out of the gifts. See..

...Uncle D is such a good helper sport. :o)
There were only a couple fo-pa's of that day....
One, LittleMan is NOT the wonderful, easy picture taker like his sissy.
Two, NO ONE was on time for this party. Great Gma was 15 mins late. And my folks were 45 minutes late AFTER texting me 1 hour before party time to see if they needed to bring anything like Ice, cups, etc. THEN they proceeded to take a nap, both of them, and we only awakened by Hubby calling them 30 minutes after party was to start to see where they were. So, my anal organized self was not very happy that afternoon.
Here the pictures were purchased for LittleMan's big #2...
The one on the bottom right we got in a 8x10 in black and white. It is adorable.
Here are a couple that is REALLY FUNNY so I thought I would post...
"Got Poop?"
"Gotta Pee, Gotta Pee, Gotta Pee"
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